Musikfest Pics

Musikfest, a lovely music festival in Bethlehem, PA showcasing music of all styles and expensive food that you have to buy with tickets.. I saw Jesus there, but unfortunately didn't get a picture
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After easily solving one spatial puzzle, Ryan moves on to the orange cube

Eat that, cube!

Everything is called something-platz for some reason

These guys were playing hip native american type music that you hear in the world of science store,and the dude in the middle was playing this really cool instrument with 10 strings, but i guess you can't really see it in this picture

It's people!

It's.. uh, i dunno what this is, but it looks kinda cool

This was a rockin disco cover band, can ya tell? voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir

I should stop trying to take pictures while I'm walking

Get down and polka

Everybody's favorite.. the chicken dance!

This old drunk guy was like, 'hey! take my picture!' so i did, too bad its all blurry

A sample of the many food stands there

There was some sort of rock type band playing here

Hanging out at Dempsey's

Ask Darryl or Ryan to tell you about 'Jenny Penny' some time

Super nachos!

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