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Tokyo Godfathers?  More like, Tokyo Not- uh… fathers…  um… yeah, we can’t show it.

UPDATE: We will show two random episodes of Azumanga Daioh, followed by the conclusion of the first arc of Humanity has Declined.  Showing will start at 7 as usual.

Due to licensing issues, the scourge of every modern anime club, we will not be able to show our movie, Tokyo Godfathers this week.  But fear not!  Your tireless eBoard members are hard at work, frantically figuring out what to show in its place!  We have a number of options, from replacement movies to additional episodes of series we’ve already watched at showing.  When the voting is completed this Friday, this post will be updated with the selected replacement.

Keep in mind that if we show episodes from one of our series, we will NOT be starting early this week.  A message will be sent out with the weekly showing announcement detailing what we’ll be showing, and when we’ll be showing it.  So, just like every other week, but with a bit of a surprise thrown in!