Anime Reviews Other Articles Reviews

Mid-Semester Anime Roundup

It’s Fall Break now, which means that this semester’s Showing is already halfway over.  So I’ve put together this handy little article for those of you who might have missed the first half of Showing, who think they might forget what’s going on over Fall Break, or who want to waste a few minutes on the internet.  For each of the shows we’ve watched thus far, I’ve assembled a description of the series, a summary of the plot, and a quick review of what I’ve thought about it so far.  Plot summaries will almost certainly contain spoilers, so if you want to watch the series for yourself, you may want to skip these.

Announcements CJAS

Fall 2010 Showing Schedule

When you think of August, what images appear? Well, here’s the one to really watch for, the unveiling of the CJAS 2010 Fall Semester Schedule.

A full listing of series summaries as well as promo pictures  is listed after the jump.

Announcements Events

CJAS Marathon May 2

Join us on Saturday May 2nd (the day after Slope Day) from noon to midnight in Goldwin Smith Lewis Auditorium.  Enjoy 12 hours of various anime, and be sure to check out the game show at 3:30!

12:00 - Pokémon 1 Victorian Romance Emma 2
12:25 - Victorian Romance Emma 3
12:50 - Fushigi Yugi Darker Than Black 1 & 2
 1:40 - BREAK
 1:50 - Ranma 1/2 Fushigi Yugi 1 & 2
 2:40 - Texhnolyze 1
        Clannad 1
 3:05 - GAME SHOW
 4:05 - [movie] Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
 5:45 - DINNER
 6:45 - Trinity Blood 1
 7:10 - Noir 1
 7:35 - Fist of the North Star Basilisk 1
 8:00 - BREAK
 8:10 - [movie] Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
 9:50 - BREAK
10:10 - Familiar of Zero 13
10:35 - Twelve Kingdoms 38 & 39
11:25 - Macross Plus 4